
Buyers and Sellers should prepare for competitive market conditions to persist! 

Posted on Sep 11, 2024


What's Happening in the Market?

The HUGE spike in showing activity was a bit of a surprise after a lackluster August! The first week of September has proven to be one of the largest uptick in showings that we have seen in recent years! 

Close Price to List Price Ratio
The close price to list ratio is an interesting number to look at this month. The yea...

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Currently 27 CDOM LESS than normal! 

Posted on Sep 04, 2024


What's Happening in the Market?

With the end of summer, came lower showing numbers. Following normal seasonal trends, the showings in Alberta tapered off through the last ten days of August and into the early days of September. The activity should increase come the second week of the month but will be short lived before we start the descent into the...

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Demand keeps market steady

Posted on Aug 22, 2024


What's Happening in the Market?

Due to less of a decrease in activity at the beginning of August, the showing activity has remained relatively consistent through the month as opposed to the steeper increase at the end of the month as we have seen in previous years.


We are once again on track for the fourth highest August for total sales in the...

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No where close to a slow down

Posted on Jul 31, 2024


Hello Team RED,

What's Happening in the Market?
We have experienced the third highest number of sales in July in Calgary's history! The sales in July were 14% higher than what we normally experience in the month, with record sales over $600,000. Regardless of the increased sales activity, we are still seeing the listing inventory climb. We are curren...

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Lower inflation opens door for possible rate cut next week

Posted on Jul 17, 2024


Hello Team RED,

What's Happening in the Market?
Following suit to the past few years, the showing activity is climbing and should continue to do so through to the end of July. Sellers should expect a drop in showings through August, however, given that we did not experience as large of a decline in July as we have in past years, the current demand in...

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No signs of slowing down

Posted on Jul 11, 2024


Hello Team RED,

What's Happening in Alberta?
The first quarter report for mortgages in arrears is out and .....the percentage of mortgages that are in arrears 90 days and over, has dropped to 0.31% in Alberta! That is the lowest it has been since August of 2008. Here are some key factors that are supporting Alberta's strengthening economy:
  • The bankrup...

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